Freitag, 1. Oktober 2010

C. Diplom.thesis: Two Landscapes,One Τopos. Kaimaktsalan 1750m. A ski resort in the mountain of Voras.

↑ The new base of ski resort in the height of 1740m.

↑ The existing base of ski resort, 2050m.

The diploma thesis is about the extension of the Ski Resort “Kaimaktsalan”, which lies on the mountain Voras in Northern Greece, and specifically 40km from the city of Edessa. The selected location for the settlement of the new basis of the ski resort lies on the altitude of 1750m above sea level, and 4km before the switchback ends in the existing basis of 2050m. The climate in this specific location is characterized as semi-alpine, considering the vegetation as well as the weather conditions.

The west wind plays a major role in the formation of the buildings.

General Masterplan, the vegetation  ends on the altitude of 1750m, were the alpine landscape and
the new building mass starts.

On the altitude of 1735 meters above sea level, any kind of high vegetation stops growing, and the landscape of tall pine and fir trees turns into a deserted land, as the extreme weather conditions do not allow any growth of vegetation. In this special place where the vegetation meets the desert, the last border is being placed, by the formation of an “embankment”, which refers to the retaining walls of the stiff slopes.

By translating the building scenario into space, the “embankment” includes the private life, the rooms for the hotel tenants, while simultaneously it represents the borderline, the step for the composition of the public functions. The buildings of public uses are formed as a progressive ascension, which refers to a climbing to the highest peak of mountain Voras at 2550m. In plan, this crooked line of climbing starts from the section of the hotel and progressively becomes the ski lift station and the chalet.

Volume Transformation of  the Hotel

Three window typologies, open, closed and semi-closed.

Level 03, Hotel
Level 02, Hotel
Level 01, Hotel

South Fassade

Section of the main Building, Hotel

Model scale 1:100, Rooms of Hotel


Volume Transformation of  the Lift

General Plan and Level 01, Lift

Section of the main Building, Lift

East Fassade
Volume Transformation of  the Chalet

Levels of Ski Bar

General Plan and Level 01-Restaurant, Chalet

Section, Chalet

The dipole of the different space expressions, in functional as well as in audiovisual level, sets off as main subject the seasonal differences of the landscape and the buildings as well. The landscape is defined as homogeneous system that constantly gets transformed. In winter the skiers by leaving their traces on the snow, form a matrix of complex paths and ways. While in the summer this situation becomes totally differentiated through the functional modification of the building and the revealing of the barren landscape.

Model scale 1:200

Bird's-eye View of the ski resort.

Aerial view showing the correspondence of building in the weather conditions.